Integrate with Tangem or Tangem Vault
Since tangem has a card with XRP it would be a nice integration to be able to use the card in XUMM. Also they made a card called Lostr Vault that integrates with XLM Ledger and their apps. It would be nice to have a Vault that integrates with the XRP ledger and the apps you are developing. Thanks.
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Wietse Wind
Present in XUMM for quite some time now :D
Shane Schofield
So a means to use NFC to scan a Tangem card, can I ask what benefits you see in using xumm instead of the Tangem app for this?
Shane Schofield: Sometimes person like having a card because that is how we have been programmed. This would just be an additionally feature. The tangem app does not secure the Tangem card. If a person has the tangem card any tangem app can open it. The only card that has multisign feature in the XLM with Lostr Vault. So just thinking out loud.